Wyll Ravengard
a shrine, a love letter, a tribute to the Blade of Frontiers

The Blade of Frontiers

stats are referenced from the digital deluxe character sheet and idle champions

The very picture of selflessness, Wyll has never put himself before anyone in his life. Even his very pact was a personal sacrifice made to bring others out of peril.
Wyll is enchanted to be unable to speak freely of his pact with others, his tongue bound by Mizora. Its true nature is sealed within the Cambion alone.
Wyll always tries hard to see the world in its best light, but life isn’t often the fairytale he dreams it to be.
The existence of the pact is a secret to all but Wyll’s angered father. If it were to be known by those who look to him as a hero, he fears no living soul would trust him again.
out of context wyll

TAV — It’s the flower - my magic is gone.
WYLL — From what I’ve seen, your talents extend well beyond magic. Trust me - you’ll be fine.
TAV — True. My powers will return if they’re meant to - like a pet cat. Or maybe a feral one.
WYLL — In that case, I’ve got just one thing to say - ‘Meow’.
the romantic
If you were a song, I’d never stop singing;
if you were a psalm, I’d never stop praying. You make a damn fun dance partner, too.
—Wyll “Prince Charming” Ravengard
—Astarion, trying really hard to be sarcastic about it but telling on himself instead

LAE’ZEL — I hardly believe in love at all.
WYLL — Oh.
LAE’ZEL — But I do believe in carnal pleasure.
WYLL — Oh!
RIP wyllzel flirt banter you will be missed
—Theo Solomon in an interview with Dan Allen Gaming

TAV — I want that too, to be honest.
WYLL — Really? Oh dear - am I blushing? I feel like I’m blushing. Thank you, for giving me the chance to show you the best of me. I won’t let you down.

Wyll and Ajax in the Act 1 tiefling party
by babeoffrontiers

Rana and Wyll in the Act 2 romance scene
by bladeofavernus

Blight and Wyll
art by droodle-bug

Ember and Wyll in Wyll’s new kiss animation
by leopardmuffinxo
the indomitable
However, Wyll not only fights against becoming evil but he also uses his powers for good. He makes the conscious choice to help and protect people, usually at the expense of himself. For seven years, he’s struggled with that possibility of corruption from Mizora always looming over him, whilst also dealing with the grief of losing his family and the only life he’s ever known. At the young age of seventeen.
Despite it all, he resists and defies his fate. He soldiers on, doing good and helping people using the warlock powers that damned him and his soul.

DARK URGE — I don’t remember it. But I’m afraid of who might remember me.
WYLL — No one knows better than I do the deep shadows haunting Baldur’s Gate. But I also know you can find light if you know where to look. And this I promise: you can always look to me.
—Wyll to the Dark Urge the night after they spared Isobel

“You have conquered your urge. You have taken back your own soul.”
I also think about how he learned that from his father. How that lesson was driven in when he signed a warlock pact with a devil at 17 and his father banished him for it.
No doubt Wyll knows his father loves him, but he also believes his father was right to banish him. And though Wyll took that lesson to heart, his exile didn’t turn him jaded or bitter. He’s still the same Wyll who loves love songs and heroic stories. He has so much love to give and it shows!
It shows in the way he still believes in second chances and will wholeheartedly support you if he knows you’re willing to help yourself. He doesn’t doubt that you can strive to be good and do good. He’ll be there for you every step of the way.
Even so, Wyll is not naive. If you go too far in doing evil, he won’t hesitate to strike you down even if it kills you. You are not more important than the safety of the people. He will not damn the world for you. And I think that’s beautiful!!!
as much as i love corruption arcs, there’s something so sexy about a character that can’t be corrupted, to the point that he un-corrupts you instead
I love a man with a moral backbone so strong. He will support you through heaven and hell, but he won’t stand for you becoming a serial killer or something similarly horrifying. That’s a good man right there.
And he has been corrupted both in body and spirit, and his story is about resisting this change instead of succumbing to it. At his core the corruption can’t reach him in significant way even when his body is changed against his consent. I do love the way he can reach people especially traumatized people because of his own trauma and show them a different way or hold space for them to reach more ethical conclusions.
WYLL — Hells - it explains so much. Listen to me. I knew another like you - Gorion’s Ward, one of Baldur’s Gate’s great heroes. Bhaal’s blood ran through their veins too. They burned away their own darkness with their own inner light. They chose courage, they chose honour - and so can you.
—Wyll, on negative approval with a romanced player
the devil
WYLL — I’m just glad you’re all right. I save my sword for monsters.
KARLACH — I’m glad you saw me for who I am. And - and I think I can see who you really are, too. A hero.

GIF by bladeofavernus
Thanks to the tadpole connecting Wyll’s and Karlach’s consciousness, Wyll realizes the trap Mizora had laid down before him. And for most likely the first time in his life, Wyll stays his blade and spares Karlach, breaking Mizora’s orders to hunt down an innocent person.
As punishment for saving a life, for doing the right thing, Mizora transforms Wyll into a devil. In an instant, Wyll’s body is dragged through the layers of Hell and emerges with a set of horns and ridged skin.
The physical change causes him distress, rightfully so, with the tiefling refugees no longer seeing him as the heroic Blade of Frontiers, but a devil. Wyll fears he may never redeem himself and earn back the trust of the people he wants to protect.

Wyll in the Devil Form mod
—Wyll, when examining a mirror after his transformation
KARLACH — They do look pretty good, don’t they?
ASTARION — They do! Honestly, that man...

the exiled and the estranged

Being on the road constantly fighting battles meant he probably never had to sit down and think about the Implications of what happened to him. Add the fact that he literally could not speak the truth for seven whole years. He had to fill in the gaps. More and more rationalizing to make it make sense to others and to himself. It’s free emotional repression!
WYLL — There’s nothing to forgive. You wanted to protect the city. I only ever wanted the same.
ULDER RAVENGARD — You are a better man than most, and a better son than I deserve.
Wyll believes in fairy tales because his father believes in fairy tales and he loved his father, his father was his world, and even at 24, he’s not ready to admit his father was wrong or made mistakes. Even when he says people like his father—politicians—are always making mistakes, lol.
They were close. And his father loves him. And that makes what Mizora did all the more evil and despicable. Ulder may have given up his son—but he also lost him.
Could you forgive yourself if you lost a child that was so good, and sweet, and loved you as much as Wyll loved Ulder?
Mizora tricked them both. She knew what she was doing. She was isolating him. On purpose. That’s what abusers do!!! They make you rely on them. They take away all the good people and good things in your life until you’re left with nothing.
Ulder was flawed. But he gave Wyll fairy tales, and he let him have fairy tales.
And everything, everything, everything, that Wyll loves about himself came from his father!!!
—Theo Solomon in an interview with Dan Allen Gaming

brb taking him to therapy
—Wyll to Astarion when discussing how to get out of his pact

He can say the most beautiful words to support you and tell you how much he loves you, how devoted he is to other people, how proud of them he is -
But when it comes to himself: I just did what was right. What’s done is done. Let’s keep moving.

the whimsical

WYLL — I intend to find out. But we should scout around first, see who’s in need of help.
KARLACH — You’re good at staying in character, I’ll give you that.
—Wyll, after blowing Lump’s War Horn

—Wyll, unprompted

art by droodle-bug
SHADOWHEART — ‘Fabian ran his calloused fingers along Allura’s scales. Her tail quivered in response...’
WYLL — ‘‘Taste me,’ Allura pleaded. Fabian smashed his lips against hers and their tongues twisted together like two eels in the Sword Sea.’
SHADOWHEART — The pinnacle of good trash - even I can’t forget that one too easily. Your father is a man of fine taste.

WYLL — ‘Y’, that’s right.
WYLL — Why ‘y’? A great-uncle’s name, my father said. But I just figured he couldn’t spell.
A guide to building warlocks, a.k.a. Wyll Ravengard can be more than just an eldritch blast bot
Wyll and Ulder’s timeline of events prior to BG3
has wyll fucked before? a scholarly discussion on Wyll’s sex life
if you like, here is my WIP playlist
playlists made by others
The Blade of
Frontiers by Salve
blade of frontiers
⚔️ by Jordan
if he had a hundred years by symmetra
one of these days by EWBANH
Wyll’s Key Art Armor
Alternate hairstyle for Wyll
Wyll’s Devil Form
Transgender Wyll
EoW - Romantic Long Hair for Wyll
No Abs for Companions and PC
Wyll’s True Bloodstone Eye
Scruffy Wyll
Wyll’s Eye Colour Restored
i am open to suggestions :~)
layout is inspired by rosemary’s haunted house shrine - show her some love!
special thanks to ewbie, salve, and misti for giving me permission to use their GIFs and artwork for this shrine (ꈍᴗꈍ)♡
let me know if you have any comments or feedback or anything you’d like me to add to this shrine!
images used
transparent PNGs
kitty Wyll emote
Wyll’s quest icon, Infernal Rapier, Warlock class icon, Eldritch Blast icon are in-game assets
GIFs are made by me unless otherwise stated. please do not repost!
- add more GIFs
- if you have GIFs of a Tav/Durge with Wyll’s act 3 romance scene, let me know, I’d love to have it in the romance section above!
- finish my character playlist